


Great News!   The MIGHTY UNI SAINTS are back up and running, and this time, we’re starting from the right spot. In 2019, JCU Rugby League will be entering JUNIOR Teams in the Townsville Junior Rugby League Competition.

Since Uni pulled out of the 2018 TDRL it was always the consensus that if we were to return to our former glory, it would have to be via a successful Junior base.  So, at the recent AGM it was decided that JCU Rugby League would enter teams into the TDJRL, and the CLUB would focus on nurturing the Junior base and ensuring it’s success, before we take the step back into the senior competition. That will always remain our medium/long term goal.

Work has already been taking place behind the scenes in establishing the Junior teams and our new Club Chairman, Luke Wilson, is confident that we will field a reasonable amount of teams on 2019.  More importantly, the focus of the Junior Club will be to ensure the kids are having fun, because, if the kids are having fun, the parents will be happy as well.

Our new committee is as follows, but, bearing in mind they will require many more helpers to ensure a successful 2019.  So, please ring Luke or Moses if you are prepared to help in any way during our inaugural Junior Season.

Chairman                  Luke Wilson             0407 171 164        

Vice-Chairman        Moses Nelliman      0409 671 830        

Secretary                  Andy Collyer           

Treasurer                  Alan Yardley


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