If it’s one thing that the FUGS appreciate, it’s longevity.
The FUGS have been selling raffle tickets since 2009, when we first started raising funds for the 50th Anniversary Reunion in 2011. There’s been a few constants throughout that long and strong association with TOMS TAVERN:
- The regular ‘bar flies’ that sit at end of the Public Bar and punt on the horses, buy raffles tickets and complain when they don’t win
- The “one for a $1 and six for $5” call from the FUGS selling the tickets … and
MAUREEN … the barmaid behind the bar who has greeted us warmly, quenched our thirst and managed our bar tabs on Punting Arvos.
Today Maureen turns 70. Happy Birthday Maureen! Yesterday Maureen retired.
So, the FUGS dug deep into the “Merchandise Cupboard’ and showered Maureen with FUGS paraphernalia … and … a special FUGS edition bottle of JANSZ Premium Cuvee.
Enjoy your birthday Maureen and relax in your retirement.