The FUGS tentacles extend throughout Australia and now also overseas.  We welcome our first International Members:

Jay Thomson

Jay, who featured in a recent News post ‘how do you stop a prop?’ was the 1986 Uni Saints PLAYER OF THE YEAR, having made the Asutralian Intervarsity side in that season.

Apart from being PLAYER OF THE YEAR, 1986 was also the year that Jay tried to burn down the annual Trophy Presentation evening when he set light to the decorations. Luckily there was plenty of beer on hand to put out the fire.

He’s grown up since that childish prank and is now living in Warrington, England, where he is Deputy Head of Fred Longworth high school. Fred’s family are no doubt proud to have an Aussie as 2IC and have plenty of fire extinguishers on hand.

Chris Murray

Muzza was a member of the Uni Saints 1995 A Grade Premiership Team, and originally came to the Club from Mackay as part of the Cowboys early indentification program, but once he’d had a few games for the Mighty Saints, he told the Cowboys to ride out of town because he liked what he saw out at Uni.

Those who attended the Gala Dinner during our 50th Anniversary Reunion celebrations, will remember Muzza as the bloke who was so drunk he kept raising his hand during the jersey auctions and ended up buying two of them. All he was really trying to do was order more drinks.

Muzza is now head of Mineral Services for Indonesian firm PT SGS Indonesia. He mainly spends his time lunching with clients and enjoying the 19 public holidays on offer over there.

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