50 years – The Decades and their Stories

How do you summarise in a few pages all the characters, memories, tragedies and triumphs that have made up the 50 years of UNI RUGBY LEAGUE?

In short … you can’t!

And so, it is with apologies to everyone and everything that we ve missed out, that we offer to you these short memoirs of the Club.

Some of the events are dimmed by time. Like staring in the distance at a vaguely familiar object but unable to focus entirely with aging eyes. If some recollections are not as you remember, then remember them as you will, this serves only as a reminder.

Dates and circumstances are not as important as the Stories themselves and the facts should never get in their way.

This is not so much a History as it is a Recollection.

Many thanks to the willing and passionate contributors, who were armed only with their reminiscences.

Thanks go to:

Joe Baker, Peter Higgins, Kett Kennedy, Warren Beasley, Jim Bryans, Paul Blundell, Mark Trotman, Graeme Huston, John Fuller, Dan Keenan, Jeff Walton


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