Wow!  Already five rounds gone in the NRL tipping and CHARCOAL finds himself at the top of the ladder. A very unfamiliar spot for him. But, BIG BAD BUZZ is breathing up his behind. Then there’s a swag of tipsters floating just behind them, including: BOYCOWS, THE DISNIK, SHORTARSE, SAINT 11 and the LOWLAND WONDERER.

Obviously with only 3 points separating the top 12, it’s far too early to predict anything except that things are likely to change. You only have to look at DEFOX who has jumped 14 places in the last few weeks, and COBBER CORN who rose 7 places.  Not sure if that has anything to do with the large number of away teams that have won lately.  Then on the other end of the scale you have last year’s winner, BLUE AND WHITE V who dropped 5 places and is still seething after last Friday’s result. BAD MOJO is living true to his name after a drop of 10 places.

MRS TAV, EL PRESIDENTE and CHARLIAS are the bottom feeders at the moment and it’s only up from there.

More news in a month.

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