Both the FUGS and UNI RUGBY LEAGUE had their respective AGMs over the last couple of weeks, and, there’s Good News and Bad News to report.
First the Good News: THE FUGS AGM resulted in the current committee being re-elected unopposed and it’s business as usual for the FUGS. Any FINANCIAL member interested in viewing the Audited Financial Statements for the 12 month period ending 31st October 2013, need only send an e-mail to and a copy will be forwarded to you.
Now the Bad News: A the UNI RUGBY LEAGUE AGM ….
The Executive Committee positions comprising of President, Treasurer and Secretary all stood down and did not seek reelection.
There were NO nominations for these positions from the floor, therefore causing the election of executive to be carried over to another extraordinary meeting to be held on December 7th at 10am in the RSL Townsville board room.
The survival of the CLUB depends on quality people stepping up for these positions. The club is in a great position moving forward, financially and competitively. The CLUB is providing an avenue for the juniors from Western Lions to continue their football and also an outlet for Uni Students to play for Uni.
The executive committee has been running the club for the past 5 years and believe it is time to hand over to people with new and fresh ideas.
If anyone has any suggestions or is interested in any of these positions, please contact Alan Yardley on 0400 270 550. (President and Secretary Job Descriptions are detailed below)
President Position Description 03-12-2013
Secretary Position Description 1-12-2013
Treasurer – Position Description
NOTE: Any NEW Executive Committee can be guaranteed the continued whole hearted support of the FUGS, which is not restricted to just moral support. It also includes financial and hands on support. Any potential nominees are also free to ring TAV on 0417722364 to discuss what ‘FUGS Support’ entails.